Alone in the Pond

Sitting beside the pond
Enjoying the peace and quiet,
Listening to the sound of trees
Swaying gently in the warm wind,
And the trickle of water tickling the lily pads,
As it fell from above.
The shade from the trees was welcome
And sheltered me from the scorching sun.
I closed my eyes and nodded off once or twice
As I rested my weary legs,
Happily tired by hiking in the heat of the day.

The croak of a frog roused me from my slumber,
I looked around but it wasn’t to be seen,
And I dozed again relishing the serenity.
A moment or two later I woke with a start
As the frog rasped loudly.
Just a metre or two away, I could see the frog
Sitting on a lily pad, looking directly at me.
I stared at him as he gazed at me.
He rasped once more, still gazing at me, so I thought.
He was telling all the lady frogs just where he was.
He thought that at the bark of his calling
All the ladies would come leaping.
But not a single one came near.
He was left alone
To contemplate his solitude,
While I was enjoying mine.

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