2022 - Pictures of the Week


Middle of the Road Jackal Jackals are usually nocturnal but this was ‘The Day of the Jackal’!

Wooden Gazelle with Stonechat - This gazelle is anything but as swift as a gazelle – it’s a wooden cut-out. But the stonechat doesn’t seem to mind sitting on its horns, just the same.

Galloping gazelle - as swift as a gazelle.

Frog - Frog’s-eye view!

Dog for Sale - Are supermarkets selling dogs?

Caterpillar Cat - Cat amongst the pigeons

Legless Lizard - This little (1.3 metres long) snake-like creature is not actually a snake, it’s a European glass lizard or a legless lizardIt’s not dangerous but cunningly looks like a snake to ward off would-be predators. How sneaky to be so snaky.

Hoopoe - This hoopoe seems somewhat indecisive – it’s sitting on the fence.

Crane Migration - A few Cranes at the Hula Valley.

Pelican Migration - tens of thousands of pelicans fly over Israel as they journey from Europe to Africa for the winter.

Heron - Grey heron on the lookout for ingredients for a fisherman’s pie. Herons do love chopped herring!

Sunbird - Sunbird enjoying the sun and the flowers.

Sparrow – Lightbulb Moment - Sparrow, having a lightbulb moment. How many birds does it take to change a lightbulb? Ideally three, but toucan.

Post-Shemitta Planting - Planting grape vines after the Shemitta year.

Which way for Lizards? - It’s that way for bikes, but which way is it for lizards?

Proud as a Peacock - A peacock at Tel Dan looking as proud as a peacock.

Pigeon with Corona - Line up here for PCR (Pigeon Corona Rapid) tests.

Butterfly - A swallowtail photographed at the Arbel Nature Reserve.

Frog planter - Frogs in the pot - photographed in a pond at Kibbutz Lavi.

Greenfinch - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush! A greenfinch, photographed at the Jerusalem Bird Observatory during a bird ringing session.

Twins - Twin calves photographed in the Switzerland Forest, Tiberias.

Crab - Crab hiding under the rocks at the Kinneret.

Fox - Fox in Netanya.

Biker - Bird’s eye view of a cyclist, photographed in Tel Aviv.

Chameleon - Many people believe that a chameleon changes colour to match its location – but actually the chameleon’s colour is usually indicative of its mood.

Open-Mouthed Pelicans - Funny old birds are the pelicans – their beaks really do hold more than their bellies can.

Bird Ringing - at the Jerusalem Bird Observatory.

Turtles - A Nile softshell turtle emerges from Nahal Alexander to greet Caspian Turtles basking in the sun.

Frog with Inflated Vocal Sacs - A male frog inflates its vocal sacs when calling to females. When the vocal sac expands into its bubble-like shape, it makes the frog's voice louder.

Little Egret – Big Catch - Little Egret has caught its supper.

Recharging the Batteries - On their long intercontinental journey these Storks stopped for the night near Bet She’an to recharge their batteries.

Left High and Dry - More concerned about his cigarette than his health or the cleanliness of the lake.

 Dancer Pigeon doing a roof-top dance.

Plovers - Spur-winged plover keeping watch (and squawking if anyone or anything came close) while its chick heads for cover behind the tractor wheel.

Gridlocked! - No way forward for these cows.

Walking Slowly - A tortoise seen walking (albeit, very slowly) in the woods in Israel is no more an escaped pet than a hare is an escaped pet rabbit. It's a wild reptile and it's actually an offence to capture one.

Wild Carrot Flower – Worm’s Eye View.

Wild Carrot Flower – Bird's Eye View.

Fire!! - Burning Chametz

Friendly Sparrow – a sparrow to boot.

Bubbly Frog - You might think that this frog is blowing bubbles with his bubble gum. Actually, the vocal sacs of a male frog expand when they call to females. When the vocal sac expands into its bubble-like shape, it makes the frog's voice louder.

Egret - reflecting on the water.

Syrian Rock Hyraxes - the good and the bad, waiting for the ugly.

Marsh Harrier - Harrying the locals.

Decomposition - A composition in decomposition. 

Sleeping rough - on Tel Aviv Beach.

Have you heard of water buffalo in Israel? - Herd of water buffalo in Israel, at Hula Valley.

The Wrong Shoes - and No Coat – Storm Elpis hits Tiberias

Egret at the Kinneret – All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Hyundai Ibex - Ein Gedi – My father used to drive a Singer Gazelle in the 1960’s – now I shall always think of our Hyundai I20 as a Hyundai Ibex after returning to our car and finding an Ibex and a Tristram’s Grackle on top of it. No damage done!

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