Monday, March 3, 2025


3rd March 2025

In recent days we have been lucky enough to see two sorts of lupin (US spelling is lupine and Hebrew word is turmus possibly related to the word thermos [= warm, hot]). These two types are the deep blue lupin (Lupinus pilosus) with a white splodge in the middle of its blue petals, and the pale blue and white Israeli lupin (Lupinus  palaestinus). Beautiful as the flowers are, I particularly like to look at the lupin’s wonderful palmate leaves.

You might think me a little loopy, but I must tell you that when I see lupins growing, I do wonder what is lurking beneath them. The Midrash (Gen Rab 79:6) relates that the great second century sage, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, planted lupin seeds in Tiberias (our hometown) to determine whether the ground below was part of an ancient cemetery. Where there were skeletons below, lupins grew from the seeds – but lupins didn’t grow where there was an absence of bones. And, by the way, I’ve checked – there are no skeletons in my closet.

Lupins are edible and have been eaten for thousands of years – the Talmud (Beitzah 35) states that the leguminous beans are as bitter as can be, but if boiled in water seven times they become sweet and can be wolfed down along with the tastiest of desserts. Though I have to say, rather than turmus for dessert, I think I shall stick with tiramisu.


Have you ever read H.G Wells’ novel ‘The Invisible Man’? I wonder if he got the idea from the false Apollo butterfly that I wrote about last week. It wasn’t clear from last week’s photo that this amazing little butterfly can be almost as invisible as Wells’ eponymous character. As the butterfly ages its wings become more and more transparent. The elderly butterfly I saw a few days ago at Gamla was barely noticeable as it rested on a yellow flower. It does make you wonder why other critters don’t use this method of camouflage. Well, actually, a few do, including glass frogs, the glass octopus and some jelly fish. Watch out next time you’re swimming in tropical waters.

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