2023 - Pictures of the Week

The Dog and Bottle - This dog has got a lot of bottle but hasn’t bottled-up his feelings. Photographed in Caesarea.

Common Tern - Its scientific name (as the Pope would say) is Sterna hirundo, but its common term is the common tern. Photographed at Hula Valley.

Water Bomber - Firefighters water bombing a fire. Photographed at Jerusalem.

Sitting Pretty - Sitting pretty at the museum reading modern and classical literature. Photographed at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum.

Hyundai-Hyundai - Hyundai car with integral Hyundai roof-top oven. Photographed in Jerusalem

Myna - Don’t get confused – this young bird in a myna bird, it’s not a miner bird. And being young it’s a minor myna! Photographed in Tel Aviv

Water Lily - Did Lily put this little lily in the lily pond? Photographed at Kibbutz Lavi

Stilts - A pair of stilts – one of them’s tilting looking for critters in the silty water. Photographed at Hula Valley.

Marbled white - This little fellow clearly hasn’t lost his marbles. Once can only marvel at the marbling of the marbled white butterfly. Photographed at Ramat Hanadiv

Treehouse - The builders of this treehouse were shady characters. Photographed in Baka, Jerusalem

Paper Wasps - Paper wasps building their nest – or perhaps reading the morning paper. A hive of activity on the stem just below a wild carrot flowerPhotographed in the Switzerland Forest, Tiberias 

Griffon Vulture - Griffon vulture before flight – looking for its carryon! Photographed at Hai Bar on Mount Carmel.

Thistle Hopper - Thistle be a thistle hopper, or perhaps just a grasshopper. Photographed at Mount Arbel.

King of the Fishers - Charles was crowned King of the United Kingdom, but this young fellow is the King of the Fishers. Photographed at the Sarona Market, Tel Aviv.

Skinky - This 30cm long tiny-legged skink is skinny like a snake but it’s not stinky like a skunkPhotographed at Switzerland Forest, Tiberias.

Wheat Ear - What have we ‘ere? It’s a wheat ear – not a wheatear, but an ear of wheat. Photographed at Ramat Hanadiv.

Night Heron - This night heron was out during the day – presumably it’s a bit of an insomniac. Photographed by the Kinneret, Tiberias.

Skulduggery - Someone has ‘posted’ a skull of a large beast, in the forest – looks like skulduggery! Photographed in the Switzerland Forest, Tiberias.

Hyacinth Squill - Scientists at Tel Aviv University recently reported that they have recorded plants ‘talking’. Next time I say “hiya Cynth” as I walk past a hyacinth, I will know that my greeting is not wasted. I just wish I could hear the reply.This is a hyacinth squill (Scilla hyacinthoides), photographed in Netanya.

Weevil on a Globe Thistle - Even when walking on thistles, weevils wobble but they don’t fall down! Photographed at Har Arbel.

Bulbous Bulbul - This bulbous bulbul is looking a little glum. Photographed at Aniam in the Golan.

Swallowtail - This swallowtail, Papilio machaon (not to be confused with papier-mâché), fluttered by, on a warm spring morning, but eventually settled, unflustered by all the people around the top of Mount Arbel.

Tortoise - We were ambling along and met a tortoise tootling towards us. This was not an escaped pet – tortoises live naturally in the wild – and indeed it is illegal to capture one to take home. Photographed at the Switzerland Forest in Tiberias.

Mongoose - Snakes beware! There are mongooses around. Photographed at the Hula Valley.

Lady Mallard - Mallards, Ladies and Gentlemen – pray silence, for Lady Mallard reflecting on the pond, in quiet solitude. Photographed in Netanya.

Cattle Egret - Why did the cattle egret cross the road? Photographed in Netanya. 

Silk Floss Tree - anti-scrumping device - the bite behind the bark - This not a case of the bark being worse than the bite – here the bark can give quite a bite. The silk floss tree is covered in prickly spines to deter animals (and children) from climbing up to scrump the fruit. Photographed in Netanya.

Egret Flight - Egret in flight as brisk as all-egret-to – but I re-gret to say I don’t know if it a he-gret or a she-gret. Photographed at Hula Valley. 


Bull fighters - Two young bullish bulls having a tête-à-tête. Photographed at Hula Valley.

Can’t Read - This family of Syrian Rock Hyraxes seems oblivious to the dangers of hanging out near the edge of the cliff. Photographed at Mount Arbel.

Bunfight - Bunfight on the Kinneret – black-headed gulls (white-headed for the winter) fight over a bun. Photographed at the Kinneret.

Mesmerising Murmuration These starlings swooped and swirled and twisted and turned creating everchanging patterns to confuse black kites that were looking for some starling pie. Photographed near Beit She’an.

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